The co-creation project collects useful resources for practicing transdisciplinary research (TDR). On this page, you can find information about funding opportunities to realise TDR and other resources for learning about transdisciplinarity (TD), such as those related to upcoming conferences and international research networks, training and educational materials, and videos.
Capacity building
TERRA School
TERRA School is a short-term intensive course on transdisciplinary research (TDR) in practice, jointly organised by RIHN and Future Earth. It is designed for early career researchers and practitioners living and working in Asia, who have an interest in carrying out TDR. For more details about TERRA School, please check out the TERRA School webpage from here. Overview of the TERRA school programs and activities is available also from the reports published by co-creation project. The next TERRA school will be held in October 2022.
TD Summer school(Leuphana University)
Since 2012, Leuphana University Lüneburg has offered the TD Summer School: Transdisciplinary Research at the Science | Society Interface. The school offers a 5-day intensive TD Training Module on TDR and practices that will prepare researchers and practitioners for transformative research on societal challenges at the science-society interface. Participants will learn about theoretical and methodological foundations as well as gain experience in designing and implementing TDR processes.
Video List
Please check out the Video list page from here.

Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
The RIHN was established in 2001 by the Government of Japan to promote ‘integrated cooperative research towards solutions for global environmental problems’. Proposals are publicly solicited and usually funded for three to five years. TD is an important selection criterion, and therefore the institute implements many participatory projects in collaboration with local communities and stakeholders. RIHN is also a part of Future Earth Global Secreatariat Japan hub.
Belmont Forum
The Belmont Forum is an international partnership that mobilises funding for environmental change research and to advance transdisciplinary science. Open funding calls are posted once or twice a year, often in collaboration with Future Earth. All proposals must consist of a project co-developed by natural scientists, social scientists, and stakeholders.
Academic networks
Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD alliance)
ITD Alliance is a newly launched association that aims to link networks, associations, institutions, and individuals with shared interests in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary theories, methods, and practices in order to address complex problems and questions. The secretariat is managed by td-net in Switzerland. Membership is open to all institutions and individuals willing to promote collaborative modes of research and education.
Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net)
td-net is a network for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and education that is currently hosted by the Swiss Academy of Sciences. td-net also publishes information about TD tools and methods, events, and a list of recommended literature.
Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S)
i2S is a research program of the Australian National University aimed at investigating and disseminating concepts and methods for studying complex global problems. i2S actively shares information on its website repository and in a complementary community blog called ‘i2Insight’.
Future Earth
Future Earth is a new global network of scientists, researchers, and innovators who collaborate with the goal of achieving a more sustainable planet. Launched in 2015, it brings together 24 large, global, environmental change research networks. Future Earth supports the advancement of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and aims to create innovative knowledge through collaboration between researchers and societal actors to attain sustainable development.
Research projects
tdAcademy is a research and community platform for TD. As a project, tdAcademy conducts research on the societal and scientific effects of TD, conceptual dependencies, and new formats. The community platform portion of the website provides a space for TD researchers with similar interests to network, exchange information, and promote projects or events. The project collects information about events and projects to provide an up-to-date overview of the TDR landscape.
KNOTS Project (Knowledge Networks of Transdisciplinary Studies)
The goal of KNOTS, which ran between 2016-2019, was to establish innovative teaching methodologies and a transdisciplinary knowledge network in Southeast Asia. Various teaching and learning materials are available on the website, and are published under a free culture license.
SHAPE-ID (Pathways for Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary research)
The SHAPE-ID project, which ended in October 2021, aimed to review understandings and best practice of doing and supporting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research (ITD/TD). The project developed a toolkit to support and inform ITD/TD research consisting of various types of resources including guides, tips, and case studies.
Engage2020 (engaging society in Horizon 2020)
The Engage2020 project (started in Sept. 2013, ended in Nov. 2015) explored how society can be involved in research and innovation activities in Europe. The project ran between aimed to increase the use of engagement methods and policies by mapping current practices and spreading awareness of opportunities amongst researchers, policymakers, and other interested parties. A total of 51 methods for public engagement were identified, and can be explored using the project’s Action Catalogue Tool.
Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022 (SRI2022)
Date: June 20–24, 2022 (Pretoria in South Africa, held online and on-site)
Outline: The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress is a series of gatherings that will unite global research leaders, experts, industries, and innovators to inspire action and promote sustainability transformation. A joint initiative of Future Earth and the Belmont Forum, the SRI Congress is a space of dedicated advocacy for sustainability scholarship and innovation, and transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration and action. Currently, you can view all sessions online here. The first edition of the conference was held in 2021 in Brisbane, Australia, and the session agenda is available here.