The co-creation project participated in the “2022 Asian Conference on Crisisonomy” held at Jeju National University in the Republic of Korea from July 20 to 23, 2022. The conference was co-hosted by the Asian Association for Crisisonomy (AAC), the National Crisisonomy Institute of Chungbuk National University, and the Research Institute for the Tamla Culture of Jeju National University under the theme of “Climate Crisis and Disaster Resilience Approach: Disaster Management Resources and Recovery.”
The conference is held annually for the academic development of crisis management as a forum for knowledge exchange and discussion among crisis management experts in the Asian region. This year’s conference was attended by more than 120 scholars and experts from Korea, China, the United States, Japan, Pakistan, Nepal, Mongolia, Thailand and New Zealand.
The co-creation project team presented a session on the last day of the conference on the topic of “Co-creation Approaches and Its Challenges to Coping with the Climate Crisis.” The presentation emphasized the importance of transdisciplinary (TD) research for addressing climate change as a wicked problem and for a sustainable society, and addressed the characteristics and challenges of TD research.