The fourth round of TERRA school (Transdisciplinarity for Early careeR Researchers in Asia School) came to an end yesterday. TERRA school is an intensice training course on TD, coorganised by RIHN and Future Earth Secretariat Hub Japan. Due to the Covid19, the school has been carried out completetly online since its secound run. The 4th TERRA shool was held over three weeks between 3rd and 19th October 2022.
This time, We welcomed 13 participants working or living in various countries in Asia. The participants were divided into three groupts to undertake series of exercises to develop a TD research proposal. On the final day, the groups made presentations on their proposals and received comments from the lecturers of the TERRA school. They then received a certificate of completion one by one from the Director General of RIHN.
Congratulations to everyone who completed the course!