

Report from the 3rd TERRA School is released

TERRA School (Transdisciplinarity for Early careeR Researchers in Asia School) is a short-term intensive course on transdisciplinarity (TD) organized by Research Institute for Humanity & Nature (RIHN) in collaboration with Future Earth. It aims at promoting and building capacity for transdisciplinary research, where researchers work together with the societal stakeholders to address challenges in the real-world. It is designed for early career researchers and practitioners with an interest practicing transdisciplinary research, living and working in Asia.

The 3rd TERRA School was successfully run for three weeks in February-March 2022, in which 16 participants from various parts of Asia joined for an online course on transdisciplinary research in practice.

Co-creation project just released a report on TERRA School 2022, which includes details of the course program and activities.

TERRA School 2022 Report Cover
TERRA School 2022 Report: Asia meets Africa

You can also find the reports from the previous years of TERRA school from the TERRA school web page here.

A call for the next TERRA school has started. If you are interested in joining the 4th TERRA school, please get in touch with RIHN researchers or your nearest Future Earth communities for nomination. (You will need to be nomited by RIHN or Future Earth members to apply for TERRA school.)
