The CR (Completed Research) period of Co-creation project has started since the 1st April 2023.
CR is defined by RIHN as a period for ‘disseminating outputs’ and its duration is for the three years following the Full Research period.
As this is a new system starting from this April, no one really knows exactly what to do or what not to do, but in Co-creation project, we think of it as a period to present the results of our activities, receive feedbacks, and produce final outputs in a form of papers or books.
Our plans for the next few months as Co-creation CR are as follows:
Early May: 2 seminars on the ‘Tips for Co-creation (TD Pattern)‘ (in Japanese).
Mid May: ‘Co-creation stories‘ video preview @ Kosaji.
Late May: JpGU Union Session:
‘What is the value of knowledge creation: our own perceptions of science and society’, Combiner & poster presentation
Mid July: Seminar on the international version of the ‘TD patterns‘ (in English).
If you would like to participate, please contact us using the contact button at the right top corner.
Thank you for your continued support for Co-creation project.
(Photo: Bicolored Sakura cherries at Kyoto Botanical Garden.)